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| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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2011 Aire 156 E
 | Contact Information |  |
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 |  |  |  | Call Boat Owner Miles 503-824-2002
Basic Decription: Bighorn frame including seats and seat mounts and
cross pieces, patch kit, 4 Carlisle oars with blades, oar sleeves and
oar right, 2-9' 2-10' oar locks, 2-8' oar locks, 1-6 gallon ingloo
water jug. 1-75'rescue bag, 1-privacy shelter and toilet system,
2-large river bags, 2-14flip lines, 1-bowline bag, and rope and a
16'boat trailer with new tires.
Asking Price: 8000.00
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