| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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1990 Custom Whale Boat
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| | | | The reproduction 1755 era military whaleboat is 28 feet long with a 6-foot, 2-inch beam.
The keel, bow and stern stem, keelson, futtocks, ribs, inwhale, gunwhale and sheer strake are made from white oak.
The rudder, gun mount, thwart riser, thwart knees, cleats, and various other structural members are white oak.
The planking is ¾ inch cedar and thwarts are 1 1/2 inch thick pine.
The remaining floorboards and peaking cleats are cedar.
The bow and stern decks are raised higher than the rest of the floor and are made of cedar cut in a herringbone pattern.
The rowing pads and the thole pins are also of white oak.
The gunwhale in the stern is set up with an oak pad and thole pin for use with a steering oar.
The hull is lapstrake (clinker built) in construction and caulked with a flat black sealant/adhesive to simulate tar.
The stern stem contains structural deadwood on which bronze pintles are mounted for the rudder.
The keel is flat with no rocker.
All of the wood is finished with a preservative to simulate linseed oil.
Bronze boat nails and screws are used throughout the boat in authentic construction.
Where they cannot be seen, stainless steel fasteners have been used to increase the life of the boat.
These fasteners are wood plugged and/or caulked over and cannot be detected.
There are five thwarts and five one-piece ash oars ranging from 12 to 16 feet in length.
All rowing pads have sheepskin pieces to cushion/muffle the oars.
There are two six-foot ash paddles for use in shallow water.
Included is an original 18th Century iron anchor, chain, and 150 feet of manila line.
A grappling hook and boat hook are equipment as well.
There is an 18-foot mast and 16-foot spar that set up a canvas spritsail of approximately 80 square feet.
A canvas jib sail sets up from the mast to bow.
All lines are manila and spliced by hand.
All splices are served with a cotton/poly blend black twine.
This material was used as pure cotton treated cord did not hold up very long.
The boat was built for and used in French and Indian War and Revolutionary War reenactments.
Armament consists of five swivel guns and mounts.
A one-pounder in the bow, two half pounders in the stern and two .75 caliber swivels amidships.
All tubes are modern reproductions with liners.
All cannons have hand forged mounts and tailstocks.
All implements, linstocks, gimlets, and accessories for cartridge making are included with the cannons.
There are also two munitions boxes with copper sheathing on top.
Approximately 20 Coast Guard approved life jackets are included which are stored in burlap bags.
A wooden boat box is included which contains a hand bilge pump, flare gun, fire extinguisher and modern compass.
The boat is equipped with bronze threaded boat plugs.
There is an exact copy of an 18th Century brass double gimbal compass in a mahogany box.
The boat comes with a 24 foot galvanized rated trailer.
Both boat and trailer have always been stored indoors.
There is also several hundred feet of various size manila lines with the boat for springer lines, mooring, etc.
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